Saturday 21 July 2012

Around Ormiston Gorge

The Pound - only took my little camera as a big walk and I didn't want to take my big camera. Next time I think I will put up with the weight!


  1. In each photo I really notice the blood red richness of the land. The long walks must be so good for mind, soul and body (the later will really enjoy the comforts of bed at the end of the day).It's good that you swung from ledge to ledge on your long walk fearless Spidergirl Barbie. It was lovely to bask in the Beechworth winter sun today and at one stage I found myself meditating on a big granite rock in the gorge- an unexplored place for me. Good night sweeties Barb and Myrtlexx

    1. Hello Annette, Yes Myrtle has taken me to some amazing places. And she is much quieter now that I have had her noisy fridge fixed!
      I don't know about the swinging from the ledges though!!! x

  2. Your photos are stunning Barb...especially the one with you in it. You look lovely and so relaxed. I hope the sun and the space are helping you to really relax.

    1. Thanks Ali, It is relaxing and there is so much space! DRiving up to Tennant Creek yesterday there was nothing! Except for the UFO capital of Australia Wycliffe Wells! And the Devils Marbles.

  3. Your photos are amazing! Hopefully Andrew and i can check it out in a couple of years. Love your blog. Keep up the good work! In Port Douglas till Saturday and then off to Bribie. Look forward to more photos and info. xx

  4. Thanks Joy, Have a great time in Bribie - see you when I get back to Adelaide (whenever that is!) x

  5. You are looking amazing.. it must be just what you needed!!

    1. Thanks Jane. I am feeling great and really enjoying the NT!

  6. love the selfy -you look great !!!!!!!miss you L
