Wednesday 24 October 2012

On the road

Today I said goodbye to White Wells and Luke. Fiona, Tanami and Banjo (thank you - it was a wonderful experience seeing your new home in WA - the reserve is the best backyard!)
I so enjoyed cooking the cooking experience.

I was driving through funny places today and strange narrow road.  (Pithara has grain storage but everythingelse has closed down - so sad when a town disappears).    Wubin probably has a population of say 20 but has two roadhouses and a truck exchange roadside area which I think is one of the busiest in Australia with hundreds of trucks there.  I don't think the trucks can travel further south with 3 trailers or something.   I stopped off at Dalwallinuw for some supplies (bakery has good coffee and cakes look good but do not taste good!)   

amazing reflection of the sunset in the beautiful clouds
So many trucks and wideloads on the road - mining related transport.  When I turned off to one road it was that narrow that you had to go off the road when car came the other way or get right off when a truck came because he wanted to narrow road to himself.

I only travelled as far as Wongan Hills as I didn't leave till lunch time and stopped to take photos on the way.  It will be an early start in the morning.


  1. Replies
    1. Very happy to hear you have started the journey homewards.
      We miss you here in good old stanley.
      Theres not a good muffin to be got anywhere round here!
      Look forward very much to seeing youagain.

  2. Lots of food xxxxxxx

  3. What an awesome photo Barb!!
